William Paquet is a self-taught sculptor who worked in the field of commercial art for thirty years, producing hundreds of figures for the collectibles market, commissioned by publishers and studios of licensed properties as a pioneer in his field. Although the work was enjoyable and sometimes challenging, it became increasingly unfulfilling and creatively frustrating. Over the past several years William has been developing a portfolio of sculptures that tap into the depths of the human condition, influenced by the great philosophers and artists of the past. These new works are inspired by everything from the writings of Dante and Nietzsche to the common man, and are being produced in limited editions cast in bronze.

“Art is the proper task of life. ” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

My brother, Joe and me on the front porch of the house our father built, circa 1968. Art is in our genes. Our father, James was a skilled carver and painter although he was a railroad man by vocation. Joe became a painter of landscapes both bucolic and industrial while I became a sculptor. Our interest in subjects may be quite different but the fire to create was lit within us before we were born. – WP